July 1970

alternative media project: media is our most important product

Barry Kramer

"We are a lonely, desperate people pulled apart by the forces of the death culture and we need the media to hold us together. Separation is doom. We are free men and we demand a free media, a free energy source that will drive us wild in the streets of Amerika yelling and screaming and tearing down everything that would keep people slaves."


Creem Magazine is published every month by Creem Magazine, Inc., 3729 Cass Ave., Detroit, Michigan 48201, Business Office telephone (313) 831-1196, Editorial Office telephone 831-0816. The entire contents of Creem Magazine are copyrighted 1970 by Creem Magazine, Inc. and may not be reproduced in any manner without specific permission by the publisher.


Johnny Winter, the albino bluesman who has never reached the prominence or prowess expected of him when he was discovered by Rolling Stone and manager Steve Paul, has a new group which may well provide him with the outlet that he’s been looking for.


Rick McGrath

“Come to the Party in Stanley Park this coming Saturday and Sunday. “The Party is not just a free festival run by youth. It has been planned by the Vancouver Liberation Front and is an attempt to begin building a revolutionary youth society. “The Party is an alternative to high cost rock festivals that exploit youth.

Nixon Snubbed

Jeff Sherwood

LOS ANGELES — The Grass Roots, a group with a consistent string of hits over the past four years, have turned down an invitation to perform at the White House on July 12th. The group said it would have been hypocritical of them to accept the offer as they are in total opposition to President Nixon’s regime and its involvement in Southeast Asia.

The Truth Comes Out

Dave Marsh

It is amazing that John McLaughlin has not become more renowned than he already is. He’s the most thoroughly progressive genius of that instrument ever. And at this point in rock history, when dynamite guitar players sell on the open market for much less than a dime a dozen, a person who has taken the instrument so far beyond traditional limitation would seem to be a godsend.

And Vice Versa

Jeff Sherwood

Ian Anderson is Jethro Tull, for all intents and purposes. He is the group’s lead singer, flautist, accoustical guitarist, songwriter, spokesman and egotist. The group has been together about two and one half years and has been successful in quest of fame but the search for fortune hasn’t yet ended.

Stooges Storm Sin City

Anne Moore

While the Stooges were out on the West Coast to do their second album, they decided to play a couple of gigs.


A Rock 'n' Roll Story In Six Acts

Ben Edmonds

PROLOGUE To begin this review by saying that the Move are back would be a bit presumptuous, because I suspect that for many of you the Move were never here in the first place. Long-time English favorites, their first album was recorded almost three years ago but was not (and most unfortunately at that) released on this side of the Atlantic.

A Newspaper For Woodstock Nation

Joe Booker

SUN/DANCE PANTHERS YIPPIES GARY GRIMSHAW AND JOHN SINCLAIR I In The Beginning It has been a long time since John Sinclair first started the Artist Workshop in Detroit. The growth and development of that man’s dreams is at last starting to show itself, and we can see his concepts becoming realities, and his theories starting to take their place in the real world of Amerikan politics.

Purging the Zombatized Void with Alice Cooper

Marvin H. Hohman, Jr.

Rock appears to be going through a period of transitionary chaos.

Anti-Rock & Roll Crusade

Janet LaRene

Q: Rev. Riblett, you recently constructed a seven foot cross out of rock and roll records contributed by members of your congregation, doused it with gasoline and set fire to it. Why did you do that? A: Well, it all started several months ago when I preached a message on “Rock and Roll: The Devil’s Diversion.”

Looney Toons

Dave Marsh

Well, I want this to be about John, John Sinclair who will always be very special to a number of us around here because he could drop by your place, same as you could drop by his and you would end up getting so blitzed that you couldn’t walk, maybe. Or maybe I could try and tell you what it’s like to be sixteen in Detroit and read a rock and roll column in an underground (quote) paper that’s so far out that it just totally changes your aesthetic, that’s so far out that a lot of other writing is revealed for the pud-shit that it is.

Somebody's watch in' you

Tony Reay

You know what I saw the other day? A membership card to the Crow’s Nest East. I was there when it closed. The crowd tore the place apart while the Savage Grace and All the Lonely People played. It was, in many ways, the epitome of what has happened in the last 18 months in this town.


Cheryl McCall

THE TRIAL - TOM HAYDON “Our crime was our identity.” Reminescent of a Jew talking about Nazi persecution, Tom Hayden tells how he felt during the six months in Julius Hoffman’s Chicago courtroom. In The Trial, Hayden’s new book, he gives the first complete account of the Chicago Conspiracy Trial and more.


Doug Keirdorf

(The following is printed as an artifact; thus, this qualifies as caveat emptor. Mr. Weberman is a prime example of the level some people can sink to in their own self-serving, ego-maniacal, obsessional... yes, Self Portraits. Remember the Bizarro World of the Superman Comics?


Dave Marsh

THE WHO LIVE AT LEEDS - THE WHO - DECCA DL 79175 WOODSTOCK: MUSIC FROM THE SOUNDTRACK AND MORE -COTILLION SD 3-500 Live music is the best music and we all know it and maybe that’s why nobody wants to write about records anymore; but these are the best kind of albums, at least in that sense, and in a whole lot of other ways too, even though they’re both spiritually and musically flawed efforts.