March 1970


Ginger Baker while working on his new movie Zachariah in Mexico suffered a physical breakdown. He and his wife are now in England where he is in a private hospital recovering. No telling how long he will be recouperating. Baker’s replacement in the flick will be Elvin Jones, formerly the drummer with John Coltrane’s Quintet.


Pam Brent

Dear Creem, At a certain rock and roll fest late last summer, a certain British group played an extermely raunchy set and received at least two (if not more) enthusiastic standing ovations. Why? The Detroit area was stoned. Feeling embarrassed, walking around observing.. .always observing... stoned, spaced faces grimacing.

The Rod Stewart Plan

Deday LaRene

Rod Stewart has been sliding across the country, well greased by PR men and Lancers, getting a lot of good press. I can understand it, he’s English-charming, gives a good interview, has a good album, is joining the Small Faces, the underground journalist’s favorite English band.

The Family Dog After The Fall

Dave Marsh

The long - suffering Family Dog, closed for four days in January by the Internal Revenue Service, has reopened again but this time Chet Helms, who is the spiritual if not titular leader of whatever community combine runs the Dog at this point, has a little different perspective now; that perspective, Helms feels, is a direct result of the changes San Francisco and San Franciscans went through in the wake of the Altamont disaster.

“I feel no need to listen to anything”

Cary Gordon

(Ray Davies is the leader of the Kinks, who are presently enjoying their first commercial success in three years with their tv score, Arthur. But through those three years (since A Well Respected Man) Ray Davies has been sharpening his already acid tongue.

Good ol' Ronnie Hawkins an’ everybody

Mike Gormley

Suddenly the wold is hearing about Ronnie Hawkins. And all because John Lennon made him an international figure by staying at Ronnie’s Canadian home for ten days. Never underestimate the power of the Beatle. Wewere talking in his living room, sitting beside his Christmas tree decorated with white doves and green-iced cookies shaped like the peace symbol.

Your average high school band seven years later

Dave Marsh

More than any other band presently around the Detroit/Ann Arbor area, the Rationals are representative of the age-old prototypical Michigan band. When the midwestern rock scene consisted of little more than free d.j. hops, beach parties, and fraternity drunks, the Rationals were the best 15 year old band you’d ever seen.


In which our own David Marsh and Deday LaRene listen and rap about the wonderful new MC5 album.


Dave Marsh

MORRISON HOTEL -THE DOORS - ELEKTRA EKS 75007 The Doors are truly the most American rock and roll band I’ve ever heard; like this country, when they’re good, they’re unbeatable and when they’re awful, they’re horrifying. And sometimes they’re horrifyingly good.